Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Love New York

I've been back home for a couple days, and until now I haven't really remembered why I love NYC so much. Then, I had a normal day, and it all came back to me. 
The day started a little past noon, when I was able to witness a new phenomenon in my house. Apparently, my cat and my mother have had an ongoing feud as to who is the queen of the household. My mother and cat love each other dearly, but also attack each other frequently. This is what happens when my cat and my mother decide to brawl on the staircase.

Then I went grocery shopping, returned, and spent the afternoon with my brother. We went to check and see if he could get a quick hack in chinatown for his psp, and we went to this arcade and watched Street Fighter 4 get played. Akuma is NICE son. Shouts to that Asian in the suit who was just WHOOPING ASS for so long. You're nice fam. You are nice. We also saw this:

Ummm....we went back uptown, and on the train instead of matching kicks I saw a woman with a bowl cut 
and it balded all around, but the hair was died blonde, and she was greying, so the bald part was growing in with streaks and it was weird as fuck. I was shocked to see it, but that's just NYC.

I also saw Paul Mooney in the Starbucks near my crib. THAT'S REAL.

Step your Float up people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul Mooney?!!

white people love Wayne Brady because he makes Bryant G. look like Malcolm X, Paul Mooney?!

Pjsaknf; 349YR #Nf'#IH
